" The Birth Of Jesus Christ Is More Than Mere Celebration" - - Apostle Adeniji Charges Christians @ Christmas.

"The Birth Of Jesus Christ Is More Than Mere Celebration" - - - - Apostle Adeniji Charges Christians @ Christmas

By Olopade Sakiru

In a no-holds-barred interview with the News Tentacles, the General Over seer of God Is Able Covenant Mission Incorporated, Apostle P. O. Adeniji spoke extensively on the significance of Christmas celebration and his message for the Nigerians concerning  year 2024.

Baring his mind from scriptural perspective on the significance of Christmas, Apostle P. O. Adeniji used the occasion to charge christians that the birth of Jesus Christ is more than mere celebration but rather they should use the occasion to appreciate the priceless gift of God to reconcile Human race with God and to reflect on the gift in changing their attitudinal behavior at all times, not only during Christmas period.

Apostle Adeniji, therefore, emphasized that christians should use the opportunity to change the narrative, change their ways to suit that of God who is magnanimous in offering His only begotten son for their sake.
" Let's check ourselves on daily basis, if the purpose of the birth of Jesus Christ is being fulfilled in our lives." - - - the clergy man added.

According to the GOSACOM General Overseer, " It is not the day, that is important perse but what it is attached to it, the birth of Jesus Christ - - - the source of christmas. "

He butressed his point that, right from the inception, God's arrangement is for human race to exercise dominion over all creatures but along the line, through the satanic intervention, human race lost the original joy and dominance.

" Since the original arrangement of God had been truncated with the intervention of Satan with the attendant consequences but God's love for humanity is unquantifiable, God never rested in His bid to reconcile with human beings, to restore the lost joy and their domineering power over other creatures. "

" So in His bid, He tried to use prophets and angels but none of them could accomplish the task, and God decided to offer 
 His only begotten son, known as Jesus Christ as sacrifice to bring man back to God and through the process, man becomes the redeemed being. "

The Clergy man, reiterated that if Jesus was not born, there won't be hope for salvation, citing the book of John, chapter 3, verse 17, that Jesus to human race is not for condemnation but for justification.

He, however, warned that whoever that fails to confess or accept Jesus Christ, such person risk condemnation at his own peril.

While speaking on year 2024, Apostle P. O. Adeniji, enjoined all and sundry to be appreciative of God's enablement to witness the new year while urging people at the helms of affairs to equally appreciate God for the opportunity to paddle the canoe of administration without any mayhem.

" Looking at some nations of the world, what is happening over there is not half of what is happening here and there have been witnessing series of mayhem but in our case God prevails." - - - he added.

He implored Nigerians to imbibe the habit of perseverance, that things will get better.

" Truely, it is hard time but if we can endure, with God, i want to assure you that, we will overcome the era of this hard time. "

Apostle Adeniji urged everyone to learn the therapy of faithfulness, honesty, even right from the alter to the least person in the country.

" Government should be faithful to the citizens, to be frank, our leaders are not faithful to the masses whom they are governing over. I want to appeal right from the local government level, to the State and Federal Government to make faithfulness  their watchword, and stop using political statements to deceive masses. "

Not sparing the men of God too, Apostle Adeniji called on them to be careful of what they preach, saying," let them begin to preach messages of love, unity and perseverance.

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